Social integration is the establishment of optimal links between previously unrelated social objects (individuals, groups, social classes) and their further cohesion into one system in which its parts are coordinated and interdependent on the basis of common goals and interests.

Social integration is the first form of social differentiation, the source of integration is horizontal and vertical mobility of groups and individuals. As a result of mobility, ties between different strata of society are strengthened, and relations between communities become more complementary. For example, the professionalism of representatives of one profession increasingly depends on the professionalism of representatives of other professions.

With vertical mobility, new social groups gather in the middle of the hierarchical ladder of society. As a result, in the hierarchical structure of society, many layers and communities are formed, which are at a small social distance from each other.

A society where social differentiation takes place through the process of integration and there is a strengthening of ties between the layers, people are perceived as “we are all one”.

Thus, social integration is a type of social differentiation of society, which is characterized by the strengthening of hierarchical and functional ties between groups and strata, the desire for the integrity of society as a social system.

The processes of social differentiation and integration are very diverse, if we refer to the general understanding of the term “social”, it is a synonym of public, often this term is used in politics and social science and in a narrow sense to denote the relationship between individuals, groups and strata. Each individual plays a certain social role as an element of social relations.

English philosopher and sociologist G. Spencer analogized society to the development of living organisms in the process of differentiation and integration. Small groups gather into larger ones, with a significant part of the social whole becoming more and more unlike each other, differentiated at the same time.

Thus, the height of development is measured by the integration of the whole and the differentiation of the parts. The concept of social integration came to sociology from physics and mathematics. The very meaning of social integration has to be clarified each time in the context of other definitions.

Very close to the notion of social integration are the concepts of social bonding, social cohesion, inclusion of an individual in a group, solidarity, etc. The concept of social integration is very similar to the concept of social integration. The study of social integration as a problem that displays indicators of reunification for the functioning of various social groups is of special importance in sociology.

At present, sociologists distinguish two trends in the modern development of society, it is active differentiation, the emergence of new social groups and social integration, the convergence of working conditions and representatives of different social groups. All this is explained by the ongoing worldwide integration processes in the economy, which in any case affect the development of social society. All this leads to the convergence of lifestyles of life, needs and interests of individuals.